Jumping mommy of nail puller pliers
This drawing is a part of a series named Revolution of tools.
Size: H- 71cm X W- 56cm
Revolution of tools
Here in this materialistic world things or beings become icons by ideology. These icons then become that thing’s or being’s identity. By this way being loose their real metabolism. Beings are not left, as their own metabolic being. All the beings got their identity from their role of serving or by their materialistic utility process. By this process, they become ideological icon [Heidegger's (Geworfenheit)- Thrownness].
In this work series all the tools of the sculpture’s joining or reshaping for their real metabolic existence, which can relate to philosopher Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction process. They are trying to get out from all of their existing ideological identities, for the sake of their existence of the real substances, which may be impractical notion for this materialistic world.
I started these drawings after completing the sculptures. Why:
I believe in body learning from body with the engagements of the body. And this learning can be start at any point of time. So, I started these drawings after completing the sculptures to find farther possibilities and understanding even from these sculptures also.