Safety Exploration


Material: 4 life jackets, patrol car light, 2 steel springs and steel wires.
Size: 11' X 9' X 6', Year: 2018


Concept: Here in this materialistic world things/beings become icons by ideologies. These icons then become that thing's or being's identity. By this way being loose their real metabolism. Beings are not left, as their own metabolic being. All of them got their identity from their role of serving or by their materialistic utility process. By this process, they become the ideological icons which sit inside of us and drive us. These control the fear, freedom, wills, communications almost everything around us.


These life jackets, patrol light, springs & wires questioning some of those ideologies like fear/safety which lives in us and makes the barrier. They are reshaping & exploring in unition for their metabolic existence like spider web. They are trying to get out from all of their existing imposed ideological identities, for the sake of their substances, which may impractical notion for this materialistic world. This deconstructing is only a playful healing form, which is fluid & not permanent.