CCTC Logos

Option- 1 :

An abstract design that captures the Central Coast’s subtle sophistication while alluding to its infinite opportunities for travelers to be at one with their surroundings.

The 3 interconnected C’s of this logo represent California’s Central Coast as a single, all encompassing destination where travelers can bask in the sun soaked waves one minute and take to the wineries or mountains in the next. It represents distinct regions coming together as one in an infinite loop. The possibilities are endless.


Option: -2

An illustration of these distinct Central Coast landmarks acts as a gateway to opportunities for exploration and personal connection.

The style of the centered arch and reflecting water with clusters of rocks helps bring part of the Central Coast’s beauty and subtle sophistication to life. All four regions are connected by rock clusters and archways while water reflects back onto the coastline referencing how these very formations unify the Central Coast. The design embraces the Central Coast’s scenery and captures the calm, cool and collected vibes travelers can expect to experience when they visit, no matter where they are.

Option 3 a

A minimalist abstract design that hints at the Central Coast’s role as the heart of California.

This approach depicts a beautiful sunrise over a wide, infinite horizon. The smaller circle symbolizes the Central Coast where there is always more beneath the surface to be discovered. The flowing waves on the horizon pass through the smaller circle just as travelers drive through each of the Central Coast’s regions.

Option 3 b

There are a few possible variations of the above concept that we wanted to share. These have a similar story to the first with slightly different visuals.

Option - 4

A subtly sophisticated take on the unifying elements of the Central Coast designed to reflect how if you take the time to visit, you’ll see more than you bargained for.

The design’s curves echo the free flowing lifestyle found on the Central Coast while referencing ocean waves and the winding roads visitors experience on their travels. A wide horizon sits between the design and the Central Coast’s typography to symbolize infinite time and opportunity to experience the Central Coast. From reaching the peak of the Central Coast’s connected mountain ranges, swimming with dolphins in the ocean or watching the sunrise over a wide horizon, the design subtly communicates that infinite discovery awaits travelers who take the time to explore the Central Coast.

Option - 5

An abstract minimalist approach to connecting each of the Central Coast’s vibrant regions.

The unique elements that form the Central Coast are brought together as one using vibrant colors and minimal abstract designs to capture what travelers can expect when they take the time to unwind and explore. From breaching whales and crashing waves to grand vistas of wineries and the ocean, each element has its respective symbol that can be scaled across the Central Coast’s distinct regions while remaining connected as one.

Using the geometric shapes on the coast and inserting them into California’s Central Coast’s typography symbolizes how all of the elements across the coast’s four regions make up one single Central Coast of California.

Option - 6

An abstract minimalist approach to connecting each of the Central Coast’s vibrant regions.

The unique elements that form the Central Coast are brought together as one using vibrant colors and minimal abstract designs to capture what travelers can expect when they take the time to unwind and explore. From breaching whales and crashing waves to grand vistas of wineries and the ocean, each element has its respective symbol that can be scaled across the Central Coast’s distinct regions while remaining connected as one.

Option - 7